Terry Ridgway

PADI IDC Staff Instructor
FAA Certified Flight Instructor

The information contained in this homepage is put up by me, mainly for my own benefit. If you find this useful or interesting, drop me a line.

The picture of my son was taken in September 1995 when he was about 18 months old. I don't need to hear from anymore people about his football contract. Thank you.

Free speech court decision

Three judge panel in Philadelphia votes 3-0 that the CDA is not Constitutional.
Follow the link to read the decision.
My Son at 18 months old

A little about me.

I was born and raised in Great Britain. I grew up in a small town outside Birmingham and eventually attended college at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST). Manchester has to be the wettest place in Great Britain, but I managed to avoid buying an umberella and I used those valuable resources to buy beer, though I did tend to get wet quite often. While in college I ran the local chapter of the British Universities North America Club (BUNAC) and this work allowed me to spend 2 summers in the US. Summer '85 was spent at Camp in Connecticut and Summer '86 was in Mannhattan.

After college I joined a Seismic Survey company and spent 4 years travelling the oceans of Europe and West Africa in search of oil and gas. The pay was OK, the food was terrible, but 6 months vacation a year couldn't be beat. However, that got old really quick and a 300' ship isn't that big after 30 days at sea, sailing in circles, without site of land. After meeting my wife on a Greek vacation, in 1989, I moved to California, in 1991, where it's warm and you don't get rained on as much. I'm now a Software Engineer in Mountain View, CA.

I joined Approach in 1992, as a Technical Support Rep, while it was still a startup company. Approach 1.0 was selling well for it's initial release and they needed more people to work the phones and help customers get used to this breakthrough method of database manipulation. Shortly after I started, we shipped version 2.0.

In June 1993, Lotus purchase the company and we became the Lotus Database Division. A few months later we shipped our first "Lotusized" version: Lotus Approach 2.1.

In January 1995, I became part of the Quality Engineering group and did some sterling work on Approach 96, including managing the Beta program. In June 1995, IBM decided to purchase Lotus and now we're part of Big Blue. Early January 1996, I switch roles again, moving closer to the R&D group. My responsibilities include building several Windows 95/NT products, delivering these builds to the QE group and writing install scripts. I am also a PADI certified Scuba Instructor.

Please mail your Feedback to Terry Ridgway
Last Updated: 9 August 1996